sabato 26 luglio 2008

Solarsiedlung a Schlierberg

The house of the future is no longer utopian
it can actually be realized. It is a fixed part of the community, the city and the region, and it offers its inhabitants an integral concept for the use of regenerative energy, as well as plenty of social life together with high standards of comfortable housing. Natural resources are being taken into consideration in the Solar Community at Schlierberg as far as the overall construction concept, the choice of materials and the water and energy system are concerned. Inhabitants are encouraged to get creative by the aesthetic design, incidental costs and expenses are low, and there is an efficient system of ecological mobility by public transport, by bike or on foot. The various different aspects of the community combine to produce a sensible interaction of its manifold components.

Development Concept
With altogether 58 Plusenergiehäuser® and one living and office block, the Sonnenschiff, the Solarsiedlung am Schlierberg is reputed to be the most modern solar housing project in Europe.

At the Innovation Competition, it was given the first prize by the magazine “Immobilien Manager” (Real Estate Manager), at the Öko 2000 it was given the Timber Creative Award of BUND, the Society for Environment and Nature Protection. Furthermore, it was the head project for solar housing at the World Exhibition 2000.

The development´s structure is focused on the circuit of the sun. All the terraced houses face south, and the distance between the rows of houses is designed to guarantee insolation over the winter.

In each case, two rows of terraced houses are taken together in order to improve the development´s efficiency and to encourage communication. Thus, local roads are made broader and are connected to one row facing south and one facing north, both of which alternate with one another.

The terraced houses are two or in some cases three storeys high. The Sonnenschiff is four to five storeys high and thus screens the community from the traffic on Merzhauser Straße.

Ho riportato la presentazione, reperibile sul sito di Rolf Disch (, del nuovo insediamento residenziale a risparmio energetico a Schlierberg, Friburgo.
E'un ottimo riferimento della direzione verso la quale re-impostare il nostro sbagliato modo di costruire. Ed un esempio di progettazione partecipata, alla quale gli abitanti sono stati chiamati a dare un contributo progettuale importante.

La domanda è: se è possibile che esperimenti di questo livello sia possibile concretizzarli con profitto a Friburgo, nota città non tropicale, quali guadagni in termini di risparmio energetico potrebbero verificarsi da noi, col nostro clima senza dubbio più favorevole in termini di possibile sfruttamento del solare?

Certo, il tutto si scontrerebbe con le le lobby edili (produttori di laterizi, o produttori di quelle specie di cose che oggi chiamano intonaco), l'impreparazione dei progettisti (ingegneri ed architetti), e con il mercato immobiliare, storicamente poco avvezzo al nuovo.

Andrebbe infatti completamente reimpostata la prassi che nel Bel Paese sembra essere l'unica modo tramite il quale fare le cose.
Con buona pace di ciò che invece si chiama sperimentazione.

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